Table of Contents

HATPRO Microwave Radiometer

JOYCE-TOPHAT ©B. Pospichal
HATPRO-TOPHAT installed at Jülich


HATPRO (Humidity And Temperature PROfiler) is a passive microwave radiometer manufactured by Radiometer Physics GmbH installed at the Forschungszentrum Jülich as part of JOYCE. It measures brightness temperatures at 7 channels along the slope of the water vapor absorption line at 22 GHz and at 7 channels along the slope of the oxygen absorption complex at 60 GHz with allow the retreival of integrated water vapor (IWV), cloud liquid water path (LWP) as well as tropospheric and humidity temperature profiles.

Zenith measurements alternate with RHI towards the north and PPI scans at 30 degrees elevation. Scan patterns are partially synchronized with the neighbouring cloud radar. Additionally, regular elevation scans within provide high-quality temperature profiles in the boundary layer. Attached to the side, it also includes two broadband infrared pyrometers, sensitive to water vapor, low-LWP (< 50 gm-2) liquid clouds as well as ice clouds. An automatic weather station complements the measurements with ambient temperature, rel. humidity, wind and precipitation observations.

Measurement modes

JOYCE-CF Standard Operation Procedures


Data quality assurance procedures

Data availability

The following data products are provided via the SAMD database. If you would like to have additional data or recent data that have not been uploaded to SAMD yet, please fill the data request sheet and send it to

Dataset Temporal resolution File size Filename Retrieval / Remarks
Level 1
Brightness temperatures
14 channel microwave
1 second 1 file per day (11-13 MB)
Brightness temperatures
14 channel microwave, 6 elevation angles
15 minutes 1 file per day (0.07 MB)
Brightness temperatures
2 channel infrared
1 second included in microwave brightness temperature file
Level 2
Integrated water vapor (IWV) 1 second 1 file per day (3-4 MB) Multivariate linear retrieval based on radiosoundings from De Bilt
Cloud liquid water path (LWP) 1 second 1 file per day (3-4 MB) Multivariate linear retrieval based on radiosoundings from De Bilt including clear sky offset correction
Temperature profiles (from zenith pointing) 1 second 1 file per day (25-30 MB) Multivariate linear retrieval based on radiosoundings from De Bilt
Temperature profiles (from elevation scans) 1 second 1 file per day Multivariate linear retrieval based on radiosoundings from De Bilt
Humidity profiles (from zenith pointing) 1 second 1 file per day (25-30 MB) Multivariate linear retrieval based on radiosoundings from De Bilt

Composite products using data from HATPRO

Current observations at quicklook archive

Instruments at JOYCE / University of Cologne

Since 2024, JOYHAT is the current HATPOR

From 2010-2024, TOPHAT has been the standard HATPRO instrument at JOYCE. It is from the second generation (G2) of HATPRO microwave radiometers and was upgraded in 2016 to the latest receiver generation (G5). After 2024 TOPHAT continues to be operated at JOYCE for testing and comparison.

From 2008 to 2010, SUNHAT was operated at JOYCE. It is a HATPRO of the first generation (built in 2005). FOGHAT is another Generation 5 radiometer and mainly used in measurement campaigns.

Instrument name current location Generation features
JOYHAT JOYCE G5 azimut scanning, 1 IR radiometer
TOPHAT Cologne G5 (upgraded from G2) azimut scanning, 2 IR radiometers
SUNHAT campaigns G1
FOGHAT campaigns G5 azimut scanning, 1 IR radiometer

JOYCE-TOPHAT ©B. Pospichal
HATPRO-TOPHAT installed at Jülich with two IR Pyrometers and the automatic weather station in front


Parameter Specification
Receiver 1 (R1) water vapor and liquid water absorption
Frequencies (R1) [GHz] 22.24, 23.04, 23.84, 25.44, 26.24, 27.84, 31.40
Channel band-widths (R1) [MHz] 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230, 230
Optical Resolution (R1) (HPBW) 3.3°-3.7°
Temporal Resolution 1 to 2 seconds
Receiver 2 (R2) oxygen absorption
Frequencies (R2) [GHz] 51.26, 52.28, 53.86, 54.94, 56.66, 57.30, 58.00
Channel band-widths (R2)[MHz] 230, 230, 230, 230, 600, 1000, 2000
Optical Resolution (R2) (HPBW) 2.2°- 2.5°
Pointing Resolution (R2) 0.6° (elevation), 0.1° (azimuth)
Side-lobe level < -30 dBc
Infrared pyrometers 11.1 μm, 12.0 μm, accuracy 1.0 Kelvin
Size 630 mm x 360 mm x 900 mm
Power Consumption <120 W (350 W peak) + dew blower 130 W
Weight 60 kg
Manufacturer Radiometer Physics GmbH