HATPRO-SUNHAT Microwave Radiometer

SUNHAT is a HATPRO microwave radiometer, mainly used for campaigns. It was built in 2005, and was operated at Jülich from 2008 to 2010 before TOPHAT became the main JOYCE instrument.

SUNHAT History

Period Place Other
09/2020 Measurements onboard Polar-5 at Svalbard
05/2018 - 2019 Research Center Jülich, Germany
11/2017 - 02/2018 Pallas Observatory, Finland Pallas Cloud Experiment 2017
11/2013 - 04/2017 Barbados Cloud Observatory, Barbados ITaRS
04/2013 - 07/2013 Research Center Jülich, Germany HOPE
12/2010 - 2012 Barbados HALO
08/2008 - 07/2010 Research Center Jülich, Germany TR32
04 - 08/2008 Selhausen, Germany TR32
04 - 12/2007 Heselbach, Germany COPS
01/2006 - 01/2007 Nangatchori, Benin AMMA
09 - 10/2005 Lindenberg, Germany LAUNCH

SUNHAT ©B. Pospichal
SUNHAT installed at Nangatchori, Benin (2006)

SUNHAT installed at Barbados Cloud Observatory